Sheep Creek Snow Obs

Sheep Creek Snow Obs


From email: "Skied into Sheep Creek yesterday. (12/14)

Warm and sunny day.  Above freezing temps at 9500' on solar slopes.  Crusts forming.  Lots of Surface hoar otherwise.

Noted one recent large slab avalanche on a SE aspect of Miller Ridge.  Estimated to be about 100' wide and 1-4' deep.  It ran about 1/3 track or 600' vert.  No fresh snow on the debris, so it likely ran at the end of the last snowfall event.

Less collapsing up there yesterday than what we've been experiencing all week, but there was one BIG collapse in one of the meadows in the valley bottom (estimated 300'+ diameter).  Remote triggers are still a serious concern.

Snowpit from a S, SE aspect around 9300'.  HS: 95, ECTP29 at 46."

Cooke City
Location (from list)
Sheep Creek
Observer Name
Beau Fredlund