Whumpfing at Ramshorn

Whumpfing at Ramshorn


We experienced widespread whumpfing on all aspects between 7200'-10200'. Solid slabs were also widespread, ranging between 4''-12'', all of which were sitting on facets. We dug many handpits and the results were extremely reactive, often propagating while cutting the pit. We did not observe any natural slides. We remotely triggered a cornice and large slab, but it did not run due to the slope angle. I'm certain if we ventured into or near steep terrain, something would've run. Between 7200'-9000' we saw many wet loose on slopes > 30, and set off large roller balls on most slopes. Down low it was very warm and felt like an early spring snowpack. From 9000'-10200' it was much colder and wind slab/board was widespread on E & SE aspects. Every aspect we touched up high had shooting cracks and loud whumpfing.

Southern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Ramshorn Peak
Observer Name
Danyon Halama