Avalanches and test scores in the Blackmore area

Avalanches and test scores in the Blackmore area


Traveled into the Blackmore area to find some soft snow and compiled a number of observations. We performed a quick ECT on a NE facing slope at roughly 9000’ in a slightly wind loaded terrain feature and got a result of ECTX. In our pit we did identify the potential for a 3-5” slab consisting of the recent snow to avalanche in certain situations. We felt this was a manageable hazard as long as it was not on a large slope with exposure. While touring we also noticed a small avalanche (presumably natural) on the E face of Blackmore. It is in the attached photo. Later we dropped a refrigerator size cornice onto a steep slope and got a small pocket of the new snow slab to release confirming our earlier suspicion. While skiing one of our intended slopes, one of my partners skied over a small rollover and as he arrived at the bottom of the small slope a pocket had released above him and stopped just above where he was standing. The culprit was again the recent snow on top of older faceted snow. 

Overall was a successful outing and we scored some good snow while managing the hazard we had identified. 

Northern Gallatin
Location (from list)
Mt Blackmore